“I just made a complaint to council who are not prepared to do anything”

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Hello Friends, Fans and Stalkers!

It’s been quite a number of years since my last post and I do have a lot of things to write, but I am going to keep it short and sweet.

Nothing has changed in relation to the donkeys next door, they haven’t moved on and are still “finding” things to whinge about. However, after more than 74 complaints to the Brisbane City Council , they have caught onto their vexatious, time-wasting crap and are treating them with the same merit one would give the boy who cried wolf.

There is still an ongoing QCAT case over a Bamboo complaint raised by Knobby the knobhead nearly 2 years ago. Keep an eye out for the outcome of that story!

Now, Knobby thinks I am God and is emailing me to stop rainwater from “flooding” his yard – see the below email.

And then this:

I have just made a complaint to council who are not prepared to do anything” – Knobby the Knobhead

You can’t see it because it’s all under the house but the whole house is flooded“. It leads me to wonder what happens to the place when there is heavy downpour?

To all the whinging neighbours, vexatious marauders and farcical jesters – let this be a lesson to you. If you raise sufficient stupid complaints with council, your stupidity will eventually be ignored.

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Keeping bees

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Keeping bees is a fun and relaxing hobby (if you don’t get stung!). I had no idea how honey was made and how bees interacted before I invested in my first FlowHive. Their hierarchy and relationship to their queen, their breeding cycle and the distance they fly to look for flowers are just some of the fascinating reasons for keeping bees.

Investing in a Beehive has been a calculated venture – even though it is an expensive hobby there are a lot of returns on investment. My good neighbour Rudi was complaining that his veggie garden wasn’t getting polinated as the flowers of his tomatoes and zucchinis were dropping and not providing any fruit.  We will have free, fresh honey, we are learning about something totally new, and are doing our part for nature.