“….. I always end up meeting someone interesting or finding myself lost in a place I like to find myself…. “
Sydney is a truly awesome city to visit. I love coming here and having Portuguese chicken from little Portugal (in the suburb of Petersham). I also love going to Newtown for Thai cuisine. Newtown very much reminds me of Brisbane’s West End and it is the home of the free-thinking, art-loving, purple hair sporting, nose ringing, beatnik’en fashionistas.

Ribbed for his pleasure.

Foggy Sydney
Sydney is most definitely a buzzing city and has plenty of cool events (for example last weekend’s Aroma Festival), hip restaurants and trendsetting hang-outs. Things can get happenin’ if you know where to look and/or if you have connections. But who am I to say? A little bit of adventurous roaming never hurt anyone and is a great way to become more acquainted with such a city.
Personally, I like to take to the streets (armed with my camera and tripod) and follow my nose and instincts.
I always end up meeting someone interesting or finding myself lost in a place I like to find myself.
I’m just sayin’.

One of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylons

The smiling face of Luna Park in Sydney’s Milson’s Point.
Thank you ????????. :)
Thanks and Please keep updating your Blog. I will be stopping by every time you do .