Category Archives: Travel

Here are postcards from some of my world travels.

Darwin 3414.

On the way to Toowoomba

“…when you’re the driver, you tend to focus more on oncoming traffic and keeping the vehicle between the white lines….”

The number of times I have travelled to Toowoomba over the years is countless. Countless, because I have never really counted them, and I am not saying I go there often, but I do go from time to time. When you’re a passenger in a car, the mind tends to wander off into distant daydreams, thinking about things such as life, problems and happy times. But when you’re the driver, you tend to focus more on oncoming traffic and keeping the vehicle between the white lines.


Noel the Farmer

Noel – Very friendly farmer.

I thought I would take the opportunity of the 130 km trip to Toowoomba to take some photos. Interestingly, on the way there:
– I met a super friendly and cool farmer named Noel.
– I almost bought a shot of Tequila at The Sundowner Saloon
– I saw a Red Elephant (and I didn’t even have the Tequila!)
– I had coffee made and served by a skinny Fred Flintstone
– I didn’t see people fall from the sky but I could imagine it…

Rip Cord - People falling from the sky!!


Toowoomba is nicknamed the Garden City, and what better time to visit the garden city than in Spring? The trees were getting their first spring flushes, flowers were gently beginning their opening journey divulging their inner beauty, branches were budding and eggs were 2 for $5.00 dozen (whatever that means)…



I always enjoy my visits to Toowoomba. Last time I was there, I ate a sausage roll with a knife and fork! Oh lah dee dah!! I would recommend that you take the time to stop and enjoy the scenery on your next trip to Toowoomba, alternatively, get someone else to drive the car!

The Harbour Bridge - thousands of steel rivets.

Sydney Trip July 2012

“….. I always end up meeting someone interesting or finding myself lost in a place I like to find myself…. “

Sydney is a truly awesome city to visit. I love coming here and having Portuguese chicken from little Portugal (in the suburb of Petersham). I also love going to Newtown for Thai cuisine. Newtown very much reminds me of Brisbane’s West End and it is the home of the free-thinking, art-loving, purple hair sporting, nose ringing, beatnik’en fashionistas.

The Harbour Bridge - thousands of steel rivets.

Ribbed for his pleasure.

Foggy Sydney

Foggy Sydney

Sydney is most definitely a buzzing city and has plenty of cool events (for example last weekend’s Aroma Festival), hip restaurants and trendsetting hang-outs. Things can get happenin’ if you know where to look and/or if you have connections. But who am I to say? A little bit of adventurous roaming never hurt anyone and is a great way to become more acquainted with such a city.

Personally, I like to take to the streets (armed with my camera and tripod) and follow my nose and instincts.

I always end up meeting someone interesting or finding myself lost in a place I like to find myself.

I’m just sayin’.

One of the SHB Pylons

One of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylons

The smiling face of Luna Park in Sydney's Milson's Point.

The smiling face of Luna Park in Sydney’s Milson’s Point.



Where there's a will, there's a way.

Concrete Jungle

“…. I look at how root systems wrap themselves in every crack and crevice. Reticulating, torticulating, twisting, undulating, penetrating…”

Is it the moisture in the concrete or is it the lime? Could it be the tiniest amount of urban dirt that accumulates in the parting of two surfaces? What makes these plants thrive in these man-made, unnatural growing conditions?

Concrete Jungle

Concrete Jungle

I look at how root systems wrap themselves in every crack and crevice. Reticulating, torticulating, twisting, undulating, penetrating… dying? No – thriving.

Man builds. Nature takes over. Nature obeys no man’s laws.

Wall Fern

Fern growing in mortar at Newtown station

Unnatural, you ask? No, of course not. There couldn’t be anything more natural than plants combating man made creations, they make the triste and grey look lively and interesting.

A Sydney bridge, plant growing in concrete crack

Tree growing in concrete crack

If I was a plant, I too would probably nestle my roots deep into the very urban foundation. My home would be right there, in its rightful place.

Postcard from Cuba

… We played musical broom and when we finished dancing, the house was spotless and clean! …

Postcard from Cuba – You guys should all try it! I dont think I’ve ever had so much fun in my life. During the course of 6 weeks, my Swiss friends and I probably drank as much rum as drunken scoundrel pirates would’ve back in the day, or if we didn’t then we definitely gave it a good shot – drinking at least one bottle a day. Havana Club, Ron Mulata, Pati Cruzado, Guayabita del Pilar, Ron Negrita, homemade Ron, Chispa (makes you go blind!) – you name it, we drank it. I know we had gone way over the limit because when I flew back to Mexico city, not even Tequila affected me. My sweat pores had a fragrant odour of fermented sugarcane and I was pennyless. That’s right, pennyless – but extremely happy. Happy to have learnt what it feels like to be alive and to live.

You see, living in a developed country, we take many things for granted, like electricity, shelter, and food. Don’t get me started on telecommunications. One vivid recollection I have is the constant electricity blackouts (due to coal rations at the electrical powerplant). We would be partying with friends and family, dancing salsa (in Cuba they call it casino), eating pork crackling, drinking rum, smoking excellent homemade cigars. When the power went out, the Cubans didn’t cry or whinge about it, instead they took out instruments and started to play music. We played musical broom and when we finished dancing, the house was spotless and clean!  There was little concern for the food in the fridge as there wasn’t much anyway, and what was left would’ve been eaten during the party!

I’ve been meaning to put words to this blog post for quite some time, but haven’t had the courage to muster the right words. I’m afraid that anything I write in this blog about my experiences in this magnificent country will not do it justice. You must try it for yourself. I don’t think one fully understands the meaning of generosity until he sees poor people giving. In my eyes, that is the true meaning of wealth – its not about the car you drive, or how much money you make – it is about your values as a person, that is true wealth. And from my experiences in Cuba, there is plenty of wealth to go around.

The Cuba trip

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Postcard from Cuba