For juicy neighbour stories and a good laugh check “Dear Neighbour”.
So it’s been a while since I updated my blog with some shitty neighbours stories. I have received a large number of supporting emails and many inquisitive souls have asked for updates. As I am feeling in a festive mood today, I thought it would be the perfect time to provide yet another update.
The following top 10 bamboo tips have helped address my privacy issues with my neighbours. Consider this as free advice that worked for me. In no way do I recommend you try this yourself prior to seeking advice from your legal counsel.
Top 10 bamboo tips
1) Planting bamboo or similar plant to form a privacy hedge.
Obviously the tips outlined in this post are all related to protecting your bamboo investment. Make sure that if you decide to plant bamboo, you choose a clumping variety that suits your purpose. And if you have the time, money and patience, plant your bamboo in a raised garden bed so they can’t say “your bamboo is growing into our yard”. For my purpose, I picked Bambusa Textilis var. Gracilis.
2) Increasing the fence height and installing “garden furniture”.
According to Queensland’s construction governing body (BSA) and as outlined in the Qld Standard Building Regulation 1993 – page 125, you are allowed to build a support structure for a climbing vine that is exempt from all other building codes and regulations – this “type 10B” structure is labelled as “garden furniture” and it needs to stand less than 3.0m above ground level to meet the criteria.
Also, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Disputes Resolution Act 2011, you are entitled to build a fence up to 2.0 metres above natural ground level on the joint boundary line. If you wish to go higher than 2.0 metres, you will need to complete a siting variation from your local council. Other factors are at play with joint fences and there is a “ceremonial” process that should be followed first (check the neighbourhood act) but the bottom line is if you have notified your neighbour of your intentions and have obtained council approval, then it’s all fair game.
3) Placing surveillance cameras.
Surveillance cameras are fantastic for providing supporting evidence of liquid being thrown over the fence from your neighbours. Be mindful of rules around invasion of privacy. Check with your local police station or legal counsel before putting cameras up. I asked my neighbour if he knew anything about my bamboo being broken and sprayed. He told me he knew nothing about it, and added: “If you don’t believe me, you can put some cameras up” – so I did.
4) Placing a bamboo screen on the “garden furniture”.
Once a bamboo screen is applied to this structure, the definition is altered and you will require a building relaxation which you must pay for.
5) Placing clear construction poly plastic on the fence.
This is one more way to stop any unwanted overspray from your neighbours and does not require any approvals.
6) Installing a timed irrigation system.
I think installing an irrigation system on my “garden furniture” was the best idea to date as it serves as a deterrent. Herbicides cost money and are ineffective if washed off on a daily basis. If you install a battery operated timer, you can configure it so your investment is looked after on a regular basis. And your bamboo plants will love you for it too! I bought these microjet sprinklers as they served the purpose perfectly.
7) Attaching bait bells to the fence.
These bait bells will guide you to where your neighbours are shaking the fence. Yes, my neighbours like to shake the fence so the bamboo slats in the bamboo screen slide out. Fence shaking also served to increase the gap between the palings so liquid can be sprayed onto the bamboo between these.
8) Starting a compost pile.
Studies have shown that adding natural compost and mulch to herbicide infested soil helps to break it down. Micro-organisms, microfungii, bacteria, thermophilic bacteria, and earthworms work together to break down insecticides, herbicides and other chemicals in the soil. If your compost heap is smelly, it probably means your carbon to nitrogen ratio and humidity levels are not right – just cover your compost with grass clippings or mulch. It works wonders!
9) Grow edible plants around the bamboo
When the day comes to take out a Peace and Good Behaviour order against your neighbours, you will need to provide some evidence that you feel threatened or are in danger from their actions. By growing such plants as tomatoes, mint or similar around the bamboo, you can tell the magistrate that you have video footage of liquid being thrown over the fence that lands on your edible plants and that you are afraid that the food you eat has been poisoned. You can also maintain a log book and take photographs of the leaves of these plants yellowing or dying off.

Planting edible plants and herbs such as mint is a great “insurance policy” in preparation for the Peace and Good behaviour order.
10) Start a blog
Starting a blog can be a great way to get support from friends and strangers. But be very careful, your neighbours may become aware that you have a blog and try to contact you via your blog. Signing them up for a new account to or similar can be one of many ways to respond to their email shenanigans without really responding – get my drift?
These are some of my tips to help you address privacy issues you may have with your neighbours. Probably the best thing to do is ignore them, but if your neighbours are like mine then ignoring them is not enough, and you may need to put up a small barrier (like I did) or move house – if that is an option.
Hi Henry,
Wow, I was quite amazed to come across this blog and to discover someone else fighting back to deal with terrible neighbours! I planted bamboo to block out bad neighbours. Luckily they haven’t tried to destroy it yet, but have damaged a new 6ft fence I had installed, jumped over the fence to gain access to my yard whenever they wanted, stole from my yard, amongst other things.
I thought I was extreme with all my efforts and all the cameras all around my house in an attempt to try and have the issue addressed. It makes me feel somewhat more normal seeing your post! ????
I kept on pushing the issue with the police, the minister of housing, the department of housing and the local member of parliament, but in the end it was destroying my health too much returning every day to a house where I wasn’t safe, so I had to leave.
There is something so wrong with the world when you earn an honest living and work yourself half to death to buy a house so that you can have security for your family, only to be attacked and run out by people stealing and selling drugs for a living. Unfortunately they were the majority (something I was unaware of before the purchase) and I was the minority in that area, so little could be done.
Hi Henry, I just stumbled across your blog as I was searching ‘neighbour wants to cut my bamboo’!! Thank you so much for a great site and sharing information! I live in Ipswich QLD, I planted Gracilis to restore my privacy after the neighbour built a granny flat high up on stilts, as close to the fence as possible, with the main living area and large deck overlooking my once private backyard. He rents out his main house at the front of the block and the 2 bedroom granny flat at the back (which is no longer allowed since 2018, Ipswich Council changed the legislation! Only 1 bedroom allowed now!).
It has been a constant stream of donkey tenants (that’s too kind) partying and disturbing the peace next door (I can’t afford to move. I’m paying off a mortgage on a tiny affordable house). I’ve endured rubbish and dangerous items (dangerous to my pets) thrown over the fence and threats to poison and cut down my bamboo. Finally, the last tenants ‘did a runner’ and now he has put the property up for sale. Here’s the kicker… he’s now harassing me and threating “legal action” if I don’t cut down my bamboo. He’s obsessed with the ‘view’ as he believes this will increase the sale price of his property, he’s saying my bamboo blocks the sun and heat (the surrounding trees in this neighbourhood create shade in my backyard and his), dropping excessive amount of leaves and is too high! My bamboo looks incredible, leafy green swaying in the wind at about 9 metres tall. I love it. It created the most beautiful green privacy screen. He’s threatened to go to QCAT. I’m posting here for any advice, tips or if anyone has had similar experience i.e. QCAT.
Thank you.
Hi Eva,
Thank you for posting and I am sorry to hear you’re going through a similar issue I have been going through.
DISCLAIMER: You should obtain your own legal advice before doing anything in relation to this matter. This information is provided as is and is meant as a guide only, not legal advice. It is based on my personal experience. No guarantees are made on the outcome.
The process of going through QCAT for bamboo related issues isn’t a speedy one. They have thousands of cases they deal with concurrently. Your bamboo is not high on their list of priorities, as they are more concerned with more pressing and important applications such as tenancy issues where single mothers with children are being kicked out by landlords, or a residential construction project that has gone pear shaped as the builders haven’t complied with engineering specs and are being sued via QBCC, for example.
If he has put his property up for sale, he won’t go to QCAT, and if he does, the property will have sold long before any hearing. QCAT issues over common boundary plants generally take more than 2 years to resolve. He’s just using scare tactics and trying to bully you. And the bamboo won’t necessarily lower his property value, there are plenty of people who love bamboo. Maybe the new owners will love the shade and greenery provided by the bamboo! And maybe you won’t have to worry about it.
If you can’t resolve the situation amicably (from the sounds of it this is not a possibility) and if you fear for your safety when you approach the fence to cut back branches yourself, then I suggest engaging a tree lopper to cut back overhanging branches – if you can afford it.
If he threatens he will cut it down and poison it, you both know that is illegal. Stand your ground, document everything, keep photographs, videos, and a diary. These people who give themselves the liberty of poisoning their neighbours’ plants have no ethics, no moral values. And it just doesn’t stop there, today it’s bamboo. Tomorrow, it’ll be something else. They simply won’t leave you alone because they don’t have an off switch – they are compulsive whingers with nothing better to do with their lives. You can’t reason with such donkeys, they are stubborn and not very clever. Also remember, he is not allowed to reach over the common boundary to cut your plants either. That’s willful damage to property and you can have the police involved.
With regards to “his view” being blocked – have a read of the below QCAT case where the owners of the home that were complaining about the neighbour’s bamboo lied about having a view before the bamboo was present. The case did not go in their favour. They also lied about the bamboo slapping their toddler in the face when he was playing on the balcony during “strong winds”. Why would you let your toddler play on the balcony during strong winds?
QCAT Case – neighbours lying about bamboo
The thing about liars is they are not very smart, and eventually get caught out. And once they are caught out, they won’t be embarrassed because they have no shame. At least the Tribunal will know what kind of people they are dealing with.
Have a look at this video, you’ll see what I mean about my neighbours being donkeys:
Video – Not so smart neighbours shaking the fence
I wish you all the best and keep me in the loop.
Here is a small anecdote to put things into context.
“The first indication of stupidity is the complete lack of shame” – Sigmund Freud.
Thank you for a great and informative blog. I am very sorry to hear about your crappy neighbours!
One of my neighbours seem to strongly dislike trees and anything green, and has cut down so many beautiful trees. She has also climbed up and leaned over the fence to cut my Textilis Gracilis bamboo. She has expressed her anxiety about it ruining the fence and blocking her sunlight (even though it doesn’t do any of those things). I sent her a whole bunch of information about how clumping bamboo is very different to running bamboo, but she continues to be very anxious and talk about how horrible the bamboo plants are and how she hates them. Now I have offered to move them, as I don’t want to cause her stress. My bamboo plants are currently 50cm in diameter and about 4 – 5 meters tall. They have been in the ground for less than two years. The nursery I bought them from has advised against moving them, as they believe it may damage them. Do you have any experience moving textilis gracilis? Any advice would be so appreciated.
Many thanks, and hoping the situation with your neighbours will improve.
Hi Helene,
Thank you for your message.
I have not had to remove or relocate my Gracilis, but I do know it is possible… You will definitely need some mechanical assistance such as an excavator and depending on the size of the root mass, you may require a very large machine (5T or larger). It would be best if the machine can dig around the root mass and pull it out as one clump without disturbing it too much. I am not sure what kind of site access you have? Also, be aware the root mass will be VERY HEAVY! I have previously uprooted a Buddha’s belly variety of bamboo from a good neighbour’s yard and its root mass was well over 1.5 meters in diameter and at least 1.0m deep and probably weighed in the vicinity of 350kg’s to 400kg’s. My small 1.7T excavator really struggled with it.
I found this photo on the interwebs of someone showing the root mass of a young Gracilis grove: …HERE…
I also read an article a few years ago that the plant will suffer major shock and will need to be well watered prior to removal, also during the moving process and once replanted, it will require a good dose of fertiliser (NPK) to re-invigorate it.
Wishing you luck with this and let me know how you go!
Thank you for your great blog and tips l am suffering terribly with self entitled neighbours who believe
They are entitled to poison my bamboo when it is non invasive and slowly growing and is there so l do not have to put up with their
Looming house and watching my ever move. l am a carer of my mother and these bullies next door” hate”trees or plants or greenery
Or anything that interferes with their self entitled narcissistic wants and beliefs .
OMG these people and their attitudes are just so wrong.
Hey Kelly,
Thank you for your comments. It is outrageous indeed and I feel for you. Out of curiosity, which suburb are you in?
HI Henry,
I am in Highland Park 4211 just up on the hill from Nerang and the bamboo is looking lovely and the neighbours purchased here four years and have removed every tree including over 100 year old ghost gums on their property,
They don’t care about wildlife they don’t care about climate change or anyone other than themselves they are just awful l have just cancelled the police coming out to visit as the neighbour emailed and said l was overreacting
and she would not touch them so l cancelled police but in actual fact then l read that she said she would poison the rhizomes only on her side of the fence,
I took photos over the fence on her side and their are absolutely no rhizomes there, anything as an excuse, she said l was harassing her and not to contact. But l did for a final time
Her again once again deflecting that l am the issue. I wrote back do not touch any of the bamboo in any way, l have given you the remedy which l copied and pasted from this fantastic blog, to spade the rhizome if it occurs. I swear if she touches my bamboo😪🤯 with poison l will enforce all assistance possible. I have just rang an electrician and he is coming to instal security cameras so 🙏🏻🤞
Hey Kelly,
I tried to email you directly but your email address seems to be incorrect :(
Let me know if you want to chat.
Thanks Henry, that would be good:)
Fricking awesome!!!! We might do the same!
Hi I have a ghost bamboo near my back fence and a dwarf Mango which my neighbour has gone to qcat to get them removed and now wants me to pay for an arborist because I don’t want to get rid of them
Any advise ?
Great Blog, and some very helpful information. We have a tree and privacy hating neighbour that has moved in and removed every single scrap of green on her side of the fence and insisted on a 10 metre plus Jacaranda tree on our side having every branch on her side cut back to the fence line resulting in our beloved tree not only looking ugly but no longer providing cooling shade over our house or yard.
As the neighbours side pre her attack on anything green provided a lush, shady and house blocking outlook we had not bothered to plant on that fence line. BIG MISTAKE and lesson learnt. We are in the process of building raised garden beds along the fence line and deciding on the species of clumping bamboo to plant. As this neighbour is problematic I’m wondering if you are located in Qld and in particular Brisbane and if so are you aware of any height restriction laws on a fence boundary planting?
Hi Danielle,
Thanks for your comment.
The only law I am aware of that covers the height of overhanging branches is covered in the Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Act of 2011 ([s57] – page 38). Here is an excerpt for your convenience:
So unless your bamboo overhangs more than 50cm, and at a height of up to 2.5 metres above ground, you are ok. I would still recommend seeking your own legal advice for peace of mind.
Our neighbour sheared off all our trees right back to the shared boundary fence up to 3m high 😔
Why do people insist on planting invasive species beside boundaries? You might be all fired up now about your rights and your nose way out of joint but in ten years time that bamboo will have invaded your neighbours yard and destroyed the fence and chances are you may not even be still living there! I speak from experience (wrecked fence, collapsed retaining wall, excavator required to remove roots etc etc ) not to mention the constant leaf drop. Take a tip old mate, plant a heap of passion fruit vines…better privacy and awesome fruit. You sound like you’d be dirty if your neighbour scored any of Your fruit though. Maybe it should have been Neighbourhood Attitude Resolution Act.
Dear Trevor,
Thank you for your comments. However, a wee bit of research wouldn’t have gone astray.
There are two main Bamboo types on planet earth. Invasive bamboo, and Clumping Bamboo. I have purchased the latter for my purpose. The dropping of bamboo leaf matter provides a beautiful and rich mulch that I use in my garden and gives my passion fruit awesome flavour (thank you for the advice but I already have such vines growing on the boundary line with my shit-for-brains neighbours).
Finally, you sound like you think you know me, so I should add that I don’t particularly care if they eat my passion fruits, as long as they eat them with a good dose of the same herbicide they’ve been spraying over the fence.
Kindest regards,
@Trevor, I have been growing bamboo for may years. Gracilis will not invade anything. In fact, it will happily grow in a 450mm wide strip if contained by a path or wall as it is here. Yes, it will throw culms on the other side of the fence if there is room, but a sharp spade will remove both the culm and the rhizome thereby preventing any further growth.
There are around 650 varieties of NON-invasive bamboo. Assuming you are a gardener, read up, be surprised and then delight yourself by adding some of these amazing plants to your own garden.
A Malay dwarf will grow happily in a corner, reach 2.2 to 2.5 metres and take 50 – 100 years to have a root ball a metre in diameter.
Unfortunately, too many people have foolishly planted running bamboo and now lump all bamboo in the same basket. It is the single most valuable plants on earth. It consumes more carbon from the atmosphere than any other plant. It is an exceptional building material. You can eat it. You can wear the fabrics made from it. Your kitchen undoubtedly has utensils made from it.
Message to the world… PLANT BAMBOO!
Well said David. PLANT BAMBOO!!!!
I have a psychopathic neighbour who has basically killed anything planted on the boundary…even the 2 passionfruit vines I planted. The front boundary fence we erected for privacy cost us $6000 of which he wriggled out of paying more than $800 (even though the council put aside $1400 in a bank account for him to pay…then he got a ridiculous quote that the cheapest fence would cost $1600 even though all of our quotes were always more than that, and the council caved). e is on the “Vexacious Neighbours list” at our council, and yet they cave every time. The sqeaky wheel gets the oil once again!
So, I refuse to pay to get the back half of the fence replaced, especially considering that he has pulled numerous pickets off the fence (we now have that on CCTV). Maybe karma will prevail!
No plants will screen if they are poisoned, even passionfruit vines! (sorry to go on…I’ve just realised that the 2nd vine is dying and I’m really sad and frustrated…and continue to be “watched” by this psycho)
Hi Dale,
I am sorry to hear you are having to go through this. It is a shame that some people just don’t know how to be civilised and decent towards others. Have you considered installing a structure up to 3 metres in height that is used for “climbing vines”? These types of structures are labelled as Type 10B and are exempt from council building regulations. Check with your local council first, but if the rules in WA are the same as in QLD, then it might be helpful…
All the best and keep your head up. Don’t give in to this bullying attitude.
Awe that sounds truly awful. We have similar neighbours and the wife is a school principal so the council never listens to our pleas for help. She has lied and spread so much malice in our local community while bullying us for six years we are completely alone now. They truly are sociopaths. 😰😨😓😰😨🥺
We have a neighbors citrus, macadamia, mango and other tree’s doing the same type wrecking at the moment. We would prefer bamboo! No massive overhanging tree branches that threaten the patio roof.
From someone who has gone through similar with bamboo poisoning I have been thinking about the best response. These tips are great. I have added LED floodlighting and placed a BAMBOO HAS BEEN POISONED sign at the front and rear which the neighbour has been trying to get removed with complaints to the police and council but without success. They have truley shot themselves in the foot. CCTV is very effective as well. Thanks for the blog and keep us updated. Our blog is at