Propagating Gracilis Bamboo by Division – 102

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Propagating Gracilis Bamboo by Division – 102

Propagating Gracilis bamboo by division is much, much easier than from cuttings. I’ve had mixed results with bamboo propagation via cuttings, but one thing is for sure, the technique outlined below is fool-proof.

Here are a few guidelines that have worked for me that I’d like to share with you.

1) Larger bamboo culms do not work as well as smaller ones. I use Gracilis culms that have the diameter of a pencil.
2) Make sure the culm has a few nodes (3 or more is good).
3) When you dig up the culms, make sure the rhyzome and roots are still attached.
4) In the photos below, I have two culms and a new shoot growing off the rhyzome.
5) Keep the rhyzome wet and work quickly. Don’t leave it out in the sun to dry out.
6) Cut the culm where it is attached to the parent rhyzome, but make sure it has roots attached!
7)  Water new plant in and keep the soil damp (but not water logged)

Progpagating Gracilis bamboo by division is quite straight forward and easy, Just be careful and gentle with the fragile young culms.

I’ll update this post with more photos as the new culms grow. These were taken on the weekend of the 25th of January 2015.

7 thoughts on “Propagating Gracilis Bamboo by Division – 102

  1. Luke

    Hello Henry,

    If you divide the Gracilis will the divided newly planted nomes then grow into full sized plants i.e will they still form a 1m clump of about 6 metres high?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Henry Gomez Post author

      Hey Luke,

      They sure will, as long as they have room for their roots to expand… But even in a relatively small space, they will still reach the desired height.



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