Category Archives: Design

The Design category covers such items as graphics and arts, and various other similar ideas. Yes I know, it is quite skeletal at the moment but I do plan to add more posts here…

Photoshop brushart

In all honesty, I have no idea what I’m doing. That’s right, totally clueless… I downloaded a bunch of Photoshop brushes and I was testing them out, all 3500 of them and came up with some rather interestingly, obscure and enlightening artistic “postcards”. I call this brushart.

I will add postcards when I get more time, but in the interim… here are a few. If you guys want to send some postcards, I can add them to this post. Criteria is as follows: 800 x 400 pixels, 24bit png’s… Must use Photoshop brushes…

Jurassic 4 - This jungle is making me hungry.

Jurassic 4 – This jungle is making me hungry.

Samurai in bamboo field.

Samurai in bamboo field.

Angry Samurai.

Angry Samurai.


Autumn feel to this postcard.


Grunge black scratch.


Celestial snowflake – needs more pink unicorns.


Dum Bass – green oil on digital canvas.


Purple Haze.


I see you.


Will you marry me – Brushart postcard of veils.

Rocklea Reds

In Brisbane, there are two types of flowering trees that stand out from the rest – they are Poinciana‘s and Jacaranda‘s. During my time as a student at UQ (Saint Lucia campus) and a footballer at New Farm Park, I used to have a great appreciation for Jacaranda trees. I loved the subtle and relaxed feeling of the purple flowers – they give you a sense of zen.

Then I moved to the suburb of Rocklea.

Flamboyant poinciana

The firey red – sign of passion.

Flamboyant Poiciana bokeh - pardon the pun

Shot on Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 lens

There is a tree down the street where I live that was flowering late last year. Since I got myself a new (old) Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 lens, I just had to go down and take some photos. That tree, in its flamboyant greatness, screams fire and passion. I took one of the pods I found on the ground and planted 3 seeds, all of which have since sprouted and are now growing. I will be planting one in my front yard to carry on the legend of the Rocklea Reds.

As a side note and worth mentioning here, the exhaust towers for the Clem 7 tunnel were covered in colours representing Jacaranda’s and Poinciana. The tower at The Gabba is covered in purple panels, and the one at Bowen Hills, is covered in red panels. In this article, local residents of the Gabba complained about the “monstrosity” that had been built there. I personally could not have thought of a better way to cover a tunnel exhaust and the idea of the Jacaranda and Poinciana colours is quite cool – IMHO.


Poinciana boken.

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Ioshi was a friendly, super-sized Japanese doll I photographed at the front of a Tokyo dentist clinic (see toothbrush) back in 1999. This awesome little guy was the creative inspiration I used to design a bunch of business cards, desktop wallpapers and website header images.

I have always had a fascination with Japanese characters.

For your viewing pleasure, here are the many IOSHI’s, all in one single gallery.